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Achieving a Competitive Advantage: Performance from Packaging

14 Mar 2023

In the current crowded marketplace, new brands that offer packaged goods are emerging every day, and customer loyalty is often fleeting. In order to gain a competitive edge, companies must realize that their packaging represents much more than just the product it contains. It has the potential to serve as an organizing principle for the business and act as a catalyst for value creation.

Joining this discussion are Roland Jacobs from AspireUp and David Molo from Paper Tube. We will explore how packaging can enhance the customer experience, convey brand value, and drive marketing and merchandising efforts.

During this conversation, we will address the following topics:

  • How does packaging bring a product to life?
  • What are the important features to consider when selecting new packaging?
  • How can packaging support sustainability?
  • Which key industries are most impacted by packaging design?